Human Rights

Hyosung Advanced Materials respects the human rights of all stakeholders and adheres to international standards, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, the 10 principles of UNGC, core agreements proposed by the International Labor Organization(ILO), OECD guidelines, and other relevant international standards.
Human Rights


Human Rights Policy and Declaration

All stakeholders including Hyosung Advanced Materials employees, customers, and local communities have the right to dignity and happiness that cannot be transferred as human beings. We promise to grow together with all stakeholders through Hyosung Way, a value system of Hyosung that leads the better life of mankind based on the best technology and management capability. Hyosung Advanced Materials has established a human rights policy and declared its intention to comply with it externally in order to prevent human rights violations of its stakeholders, including its employeess and business partners.

Human Rights Principles

  • 1


  • 2

    Equal Opportunities and Compensation

  • 3

    Freedom of Assembly
    and Association

  • 4

    Safe Working Environment

  • 5

    Personal Privacy Protection

  • 6

    Compliance with
    Working Conditions

  • 7

    Forced or Child
    Labor Banned

  • 8

    Fair Business Practices

  • 9

    Commitment for Local
    Community Development

  • 10

    Information Transparency

  • 11

    Customer Information

Declaration of Commitment to Human Rights Management

We strive to adhere to the UNGC(United Nations Global Compact) 10 principles related to human rights since joining UNGC. In particular, we joined the WEPs(Women’s Empowerment Principles) and BIS(Business Integrity Society, the anti-corruption project of UNGC) alongside our CEO’s declaration of support. Also, we are actively participating in the B.E.S.T Forum(Business Ethics and Sustainability management for Top performance) emphasizing our commitment to internal and external stakeholders in upholding the SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) in the era of ESG.


At Hyosung Advanced Materials, the Social Contribution Committee consists of the Chief Administration Officer as the chairperson, and ESG-dedicated executives and members of each overseas corporation as the members. Through meetings held at least twice a year, the committee discusses and resolves social responsibility management-related matters, such as human rights, talents, and legal compliance. In particular, the details of the human rights impact assessment results resolved by the Social Contribution Committee are reported to the BoD to strengthen the governance management system, thereby preventing and addressing human rights-related risks in advance.
  • Highest decision-making body Board of Directors
  • Committee Social Contribution Committee
    • HR Team
    • Audit Team
    • Legal Compliance Team
    • Operation Team
    • Mangers at overseas sites
    • ESG Management Team
  • Working-level associates HR respondent at Korean and overseas corporations

Risk Management

Human Rights Impact Assessment

We conduct human rights impact assessment at all business sites once a year to identify potential human rights risks that may arise from business activities and to prevent and mitigate them in advance. The results of the assessment including the risks and its improvement activity, the progress and improvement results are reported to the Social Contribution Committee twice a year.
Human rights impact assessment
  • Conduct risk assessment by sector
  • Identify risk
  • Mitigation and result reporting
  • Checking result and Monitoring
  • Disclosure result

Enhancing Human Rights Awareness

Hyosung Advanced Materials conducts human rights education on various topics, including the eradication of harassment and sexual violence, respect for diversity, prohibition of discrimination, prevention of child labor and forced labor, and prevention of bullying and harassment in the workplace, aiming to promote a culture of respecting human rights among all employees, including those in suppliers. In particular, the Human Rights Manager at the headquarters undergoes separate human rights education to enhance understanding of international trends in business and human rights. Additionally, they actively participate in meetings organized by the UN Global Compact Korea Network, presenting the current status of human rights management and contributing to creating a better environment for human rights protection through participation in human rights education sessions.

Handling Employee Suggestions and Grievances

In order to protect the human rights of employees and create a good working environment, we have established communication channels that every stakeholders can make suggestions that are necessary to create a good working environment such as support necessary for work, improvement of work environment, and workplace relations. And they can freely report any discomfort and grievance cases. Employees can freely present their opinions about the company and their duties, regardless of whether they are online or offline, and anonymously report matters such as corruption or unfair treatment. According to the principle of protection of informants, the confidentiality of the identity and contents is strictly guaranteed and retaliation is prohibited.
Handling Employee Suggestions and Grievances table
Type of Reporting Report Method and Content Respondent Processing Procedure
Intranet (HR Counseling Center) Receipt of grievances, such as job-related grievances, sexual harassment, embezzlement, and personnel corruption, by email or telephone HR team leader Process after consulting the HR team leader
Homepage (Whistleblowing Center) Receipt of violation of company-related laws, employee corruption, unfair treatment, sexual harassment, etc. Person in charge of the Whistleblowing Center Process after receiving the report, request the related department to be processed or the audit team directly handled
Reporting to audit team Audit team
In-house real-name bulletin Submitting a proposal/suggestion/complaint on the blindness board Board operator person in charge Immediately communicate to relevant departments to respond to improvement proposals and inform the reason if improvement is not possible
In-house anonymous bulletin Submitting a proposal/suggestion/complaint to an anonymous board

Identifying Risks through On-Site Monitoring

We identify, prevent, and mitigate risks through designated departments for various stakeholders. For example, the HR team conducts regular on-site monitoring to identify risks related to forced labor, discrimination, and other human rights issues. In case, issues are identified and measures to mitigate & prevent related risks are proposed to respective teams. The effectiveness of these proposals is verified through a human rights impact assessment. Additionally, each site’s general affairs team collects environmental, safety, and health related needs from stakeholders (employees, government, local communities, NGO, etc.), and identifies potential risk occurrences through internal analysis, upon which action plans are formulated. The responsible party is appointed to periodically measure the performance of these actions to ensure their execution.

Grievance Handling Process

We have established human rights policies and principles to promote stakeholders’ awareness of human rights, detect and take prompt measure on human rights issues by operating various communication channels.
Grievance Handling Process
  • 1. Receipt
  • 2. Confirmation and review
  • 3. Announcement
  • 4. Handling

Organizational Culture

  • Reinforcing
    Organizational Culture

    A healthy and open organizational culture is an essential element of a good workplace. Hyosung Advanced Materials listens to employees' opinions through employee satisfaction surveys, and raises their will to work through recognition and compensation for their performance. In addition, various communication channels are operated so that all employees can better understand the management philosophy of the top management.

  • Employee Satisfaction Survey

    Through regular employee satisfaction surveys, we are striving to create a good company to work for. In order to deeply understand the sense of belonging and trust that employees feel about the company, we invited external experts in the field of organizational management in 2019 to conduct a survey of employee opinions. Particularly in 2021, we conducted employee satisfaction survey on whether the company’s family-friendly system was well-operated through employees of the headquarters. In addition, when there is a major change in the organization or work environment, or when key HR appointments are made, we conduct an employee opinion survey for in-depth understanding of the opinions of our employees.

  • Organizational Diagnosis

    Hyosung Advanced Materials conducts organization issue diagnosis so that related problems and issues are addressed in advance to create a desirable corporate culture. The diagnosis takes place every quarter within the teams facing difficulties in organizational management to check their attendance management, ways of working(i.e. R&R, inter-department cooperation, work process) and leadership(i.e. instruction and reporting system, communication method).

  • Conversation with Management

    The CEO provides a meeting for executives and team leaders to directly discuss and share the company's major performance, issues, and management policies four time a year. At the same time, company-wide communication is promoted through question-and-answer sessions between CEO and employees in order to reinforce transparent management activities. Business status briefings are held twice a year at each plant for shift workers to share the company's management policy and business performance. Overseas subsidiary heads and expatriates have time to understand management issues and directly communicate with management through leader meetings held twice a year global consensus meeting.

  • Labor-management Communication Channels

    A labor union is organized in all of Hyosung Advanced Materials's global sites, and each business site's management transparently and regularly shares the company’s management and manpower operation status.

Work and Life Balance

  • Support for Employee Value Creation

    Hyosung Advanced Materials conducts various systems and support activities to help employees create performance and value. Work & life balance greatly affects not only the life satisfaction of employees, but also work satisfaction, so we are striving to create a healthy workplace where work-life balancing is realized.

  • Flexible Working Hours System

    We comply with the statutory working hours of 52 hours per week and implement a flexible working hours system to increase work productivity. Employees are free to choose between the selective working-hour system and the flexible working-hour system, and overtime work allowances are paid for work outside the specified working hours. Through the flexible work system, employees are realizing a work balance by appropriately allocating working hours according to each individual's workload.

  • Maternity and Childcare

    Hyosung Advanced Materials operates various maternity and childcare support programs for female workers in pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare. The programs include 90 days of maternity leave, leave for prenatal diagnosis, reduced and modified working hours. We also offer financial assistance for medical expenses in case of miscarriages or stillbirths. Besides, we have quality childcare services in place, including paternity leave, family care leave, and running daycare centers in the workplace so that employees can fully concentration on their duties.

  • Refresh Day and Designated Holidays

    Hyosung Advanced Materials encourages employees to use a maximum of five annual paid holidays in a row(known as refresh day). In addition, we operate a “designated holiday system”, in which employees are given days-off, usually in connection to a one-day national/traditional holiday. This allows employees to fully recharge and return to work with fresh energy.