
Hyosung Advanced Materials supports and participates in efforts to preserve and promote
biodiversity in order to nurture a thriving ecosystem for future generations.


Biodiversity Principles & Policy

Hyosung Advanced Materials recognizes biodiversity preservation as an important global environmental issue as well as part of our climate change response activities. We will strive to preserve biodiversity and realize sustainable use of resources. All employees shall be aware of, faithfully comply with the Biodiversity Policy, and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of our stakeholders.

Biodiversity Preservation & Promotion Strategy

Biodiversity preservation & promotion strategy
  • Vision
    Strategic preservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of resources
  • Strategy Direction
    • Wisely use resources to realize zero emissions.
    • Minimize the negative environmental impacts that damage biodiversity.
    • Contribute to the maintenance, restoration, and promotion of biodiversity.
    • Open engagement through education, communication and cooperaiton with various stakeholders regarding biodiversity
  • Detailed Strategy
    • Increase sustainable energy use
    • Raw material procurement considering biodiversity
    • Development of energy/resource-saving products
    • Facility investment with low negative environmental impact
    • Improvement of product recyclability Development and use of products and technologies that lower environmental impact
    • Development of products and technologies contributing to CO2 reduction
    • Restoration activity
    • Monitoring of biodiversity index
    • Monitoring of environmental impacts
    • Biodiversity training and support
    • Communication with local communities
    • Cooperation with the government, NPOs, and NGOs


Procurement and Product Development Considering Biodiversity

Hyosung Advanced Materials makes every effort to avoid the procurement of raw materials that causes damage of natural ecology and biodiversity loss. We procure sustainable raw materials and develop products accordingly for a sustainable future.

Building Biodiversity Awareness

Hyosung Advanced Materials is committed to conserving, promoting, and ensuring the sustainable use of ecosystems and making efforts to reduce biodiversity destruction. In particular, our Biodiversity Policy was enacted based on our code of conduct. We offer our employees with awareness-building training about the impact of climate change on biodiversity and connectivity with business activities so that only our employees but also upstream and downstream will remain faithful in biodiversity preservation.

Engagement with Stakeholders

For biodiversity preservation and promotion, Hyosung Advanced Materials cooperates with various stakeholders, such as the National Institute of Ecology, the Jeonju City government, the Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation, and the Korea Fisheries Resources Agency. Through business agreements with professional organizations, we intend to take part in disseminating our Biodiversity Policy, carrying out preservation activities, raising climate awareness, sharing major activities and information, promoting biodiversity, and removing harmful plants. In cooperation with various stakeholders, we will continue our efforts to form a biodiversity-related engagement and cooperation network and to nurture a healthy ecosystem for future generations.

Activities to Conserve and Promote Biodiversity

To ensure that the business activities of Hyosung Advanced Materials do not negatively impact biodiversity, we will identify and increase ecosystem conservation activities beginning with our domestic business sites.
Activities to conserve and promote biodiversity
  • 2022 ~ 2025
    • Increased participation in biodiversity activities to raise awareness of biodiversity

      April campaign for “Endangered Species Day” April plogging alongside the Hangang River near Mapo-gu to commemorate “Earth Day”

    • Waste collection for conservation and promotion of biodiversity, and implementation of measures to protect endangered and endemic species

      Beach clean-up activities in Yongyu Beach, Incheon in May, September, and October MOU to restore endangered Pogostemon in Jeonju

    • Removal of ecological hazards (invasive species)

      Removal of invasive plant species during “one-company-one-river” cleanup Removal of invasive animals and plants (in progress)

    • Carbon sink development plan

      Create habitats for diverse marine organisms and carbon sinks through the seagrass forest establishment project.

    • * This is to promote the removal and restoration in the regions adjacent to domestic business sites (Jeonju, Ulsan, and Daejeon); to be expanded to global business sites in the future.

Invasive plant removal activities

We regularly participate in biodiversity conservation and promotion activities by protecting ecosystems near our domestic and global business sites. In Ulsan Plant, we remove invasive plants through the one-company-one-river (Yeocheon Stream) campaign.

Conservation of endangered Jeonju pogostemon

In May of 2022, Hyosung Advanced Materials and the National Institute of Ecology signed an MOU to collaborate on conserving the ecological environment and promoting a culture of nature conservation. We intend to start planting and restoring “Jeonju pogostemon” a class II endangered native plant designated by the Ministry of Environment, in Girin Park in Jeonju, where the carbon fiber plant is located, in collaboration with the National Ecological Park and the Jeonju city government.

Adoption of Incheon Yongyu Beach, our first step to preserving the marine environment

Hyosung Advanced Materials has been participating in beach clean-up activities organized by the Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation under the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries since 2022 to prevent artificial damage to the marine ecosystem at Incheon's Yongyu Beach. We are committed to continuing our efforts to preserve marine biodiversity.

Plans to create carbon sinks through the seagrass forest establishment project

In collaboration with Korea Water Resources Corporation, Hyosung Advanced Materials intends to provide habitats for a variety of marine organisms, including spawning grounds for fish and shellfish and fish larvae nursery grounds, and to restore the marine ecosystem by establishing the seagrass forest as a marine organism protected under the Conservation and Management of Marine Ecosystems Act.

Plogging and planting trees with employees and citizens

To commemorate Hyosung’s 50th anniversary, Hyosung Group annually hosts the “Hyosung Forest of Sharing” event, in which Hyosung Group employees and their families plant trees at the “Hyosung Forest of Sharing” in Noeul Park, Mapo-gu. More than 3,000 seedlings of approximately 40 species were planted between 2016 and 2022. In order to conserve the ecology of Noeul Park and assure its maintenance, we carry out activities to conserve and promote biodiversity, such as funding its operating costs. In addition, we engage in environmental clean-up activities with citizens through “Sevit Re-Gen Plogging” and “plogging alongside the Hangang River near Mapo-gu.”