
HS Hyosung Advanced Materials contributes in shaping a sustainable future by
partnering with diverse stakeholders through our participation in global initiatives.

Initiatives Participation

HS Hyosung Advanced Materials is actively participating in international initiatives to strengthen its sustainability management capabilities, and transparently discloses the results of our efforts to strengthen sustainability management to stakeholders. With the launch of a new climate system based on the Paris Agreement of the 21st COP21 in 2015, we are actively participating in the '2030 National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap'. Also, as a member of the UN Global Compact, we are actively participating in activities to improve sustainability and corporate citizenship.

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As a signatory member of UNGC(UN Global Compact), Hyosung Advanced Materials has internalized the 10 principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption into the company's operations and management strategy. We are participating in the improvement of sustainability and corporate citizenship, and carrying out practical activities. Also, as a Communication on Progress(COP) Active Group, we are disclosing our activities transparent in public.

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CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) is a global initiative that evaluates major companies' response to environmental impacts such as climate change, water and forest. HS Hyosung Advanced Materials has disclosed its information related to carbon emissions, climate actions, and climate change strategy through CDP since 2010. In 2021, HS Hyosung Advanced Materials received the carbon management sector Honors at the 2020 CDP Climate Change Response/Water Management Awards. The award is given based on CDP's evaluation to companies with the highest rating in the sector. From 2023, we expanded the disclosure from climate change to water including water management strategies, alongside initiatives aimed at safeguarding water resources. In 2024, HS Hyosung Advanced Materials won a 'Special Award' at the '2023 CDP Water Korea Awards'.

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The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD) is a global initiative that was established in 2015 to promote disclosure of climate change-related financial information. In 2022, Hyosung Advanced Materials declared its endorsement for the TCFD, and published its first climate-related report as per the recommendations of TCFD. Hyosung Advanced Materials is taking measures to enhance risks and opportunities management capabilities that would be brought about by climate change.

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Science-Based Targets initiative(SBTi) is a global initiative set to mobilize the private sector to take active climate actions by guiding providing guideline and tools to companies to set reduction target that are in line with the Paris Agreement. Hyosung Advanced Materials joined the initiative in 2022 and pledged to set objective and quantitative reduction targets in line with the scenario of limiting global warming of 1.5℃ as a target for net-zero.

Check out HS Hyosung Advanced Materials'
achievements through global initiatives.

  • Report
  • Climate
  • Green
  • External Ratings
    & Awards